PinnedLions Mane Info Cluster BombeLions mane mushroom has improved my life. Discovering nootropics, smart drugs and superfoods has become one of my favorite hobbies. I found…Jun 6, 20232Jun 6, 20232
PinnedNiacin Info Cluster BombeWhen I discovered Niacin it was not by the pathway you’d expect. I was researching microdosing with psilocybins. The reason I was following…Jun 20, 2023Jun 20, 2023
The Devil’s ConundrumI think the true cause of civilizational failure is the fact that government can only EVER grow. It inevitably becomes communism no matter…Sep 8, 2023Sep 8, 2023
How to Control Civilizational Information Technology TransferHave you ever wondered if aliens control our planet and our civilizations?Jun 25, 2023Jun 25, 2023
ChairmanLMAO’s AI Art Showcase for the first year 2023Just a nice spot to share my most profound AI Art. Making so many, so fast, I have to figure out how to store them for future use. Or use…Jun 24, 2023Jun 24, 2023
Lions Mane Mushroom short made with Klap 22, 2023Jun 22, 2023
Simulation Theory NutshellThis is my favorite Why Files Episode by far. It sums up many of my own discoveries and presents them in a nice package. I wonder if you…Jun 21, 2023Jun 21, 2023
Power of Independence: Discover FreedomDependence means relying on someone else, and it can make a small group of powerful people even stronger. Our owners might have lots of…Jun 14, 2023Jun 14, 2023
Conquer Your Fear for the Sake of the Future of HumanityMost concise talk of our problem as a species I have yet heard. I love this kind of talk. “Ancient Secrets Unearthed: Billy Carson Exposes…Jun 14, 2023Jun 14, 2023
Freedom Means Free Speech TooYou can try to censor the truth all day long and it won’t save you from the responsibility you should have had before you got compromised…Jun 12, 2023Jun 12, 2023